Our Strategy

Catalyzing these impact churches is achieved in the following way:

The start is discovering high potential leaders who are already pastoring fruitful churches. This is done through networking, travel, building relationships and patience. Leadership is key to success. So, it is imperative to find leaders who are God-centered, forward-thinking, and who have a vision beyond the four walls of their church. 

Once found, the next step is to begin working with the leader/church on small projects to confirm original discovery. 

The next step is casting vision for what can be achieved through the church if properly resourced. This is done through relationship but also through leadership events to gather the leaders of the church, that take place (Lord willing) every two years. The event is designed to unleash the creativity and collaboration potential of the leaders. Putting high potential leaders together in a creative environment will spark creative ideas and benefit all the leaders. 

Fundraising for the impact churches, enabling them to plant churches throughout their region, is an important part of the value of Strategic Cities Foundation. With traditional large donor (foundations, churches, and high-capacity individuals) type of fundraising, we will alleviated the burden of raising funds allowing leaders to achieve their vision while running the daily operations and addressing the pastoral needs

Another step in the strategy is to create a pipeline of new church planters by funding intern programs at the impact churches. A pipeline of church planters is key to being able to saturate a region with new churches.

Part of the strategy includes developing the leaders of impact churches so that they expand their vision beyond their immediate cities to the region. This will lead to the next step which is seeing leaders developing the capacity to resource other leaders in their region. In other words, they repeat the process, on a smaller scale, in their neighborhood.
